LESS DEFLECTION WITH MORE ENGLISH? “Compression deflection” can change things a bit.

This can be true if we gauge zero point deflection a little differently and understand increased force near center mass of cueball.

US OPEN champion John Schmidt and I had a good discussion about this one night in Pittsburgh.

He had mentioned he felt he got more deflection with one tip of english and noticed the more english he put on the ball the less he over-cut the shot with inside english. He said he tried to tell people this for years.

He is right! Sort of.

If we aim at the one, and then apply one tip of inside center english using backhand english (front hand never moves), firm stroke, we miss the one completely.

Now repeat: only this time go maximum english. Black shaft in picture. The one is cut into the pocket!

Hitting near center mass of cueball causes an explosive compression and release of energy from the tip causing deflection.

By hitting more english the stick bends and energy circles the cueball causing rotation instead of sending that energy to center mass.

DISCLAIMER: This was taught to me by a professor of physics. This has been many years ago if my explanation is not 💯.

On the pic, green shaft will miss the one completely. Black shaft, with 2 to 3 tips, will cut it right in.

When you see a player miss with inside english and he over-cut it and someone says “you missed cause you used too much english”, he may have needed more!!

We guage our deflection from original line of aim before we apply backhand spin.

Let me know your results.

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